Est. 2013

Wellbeing Activities and Healthy Refreshment for Events and Education
The Smoothie Bike Company
Good Reasons for Eating Fruit & Vegetables
One person in the UK dies every 3 minutes from heart disease. Research has found that eating an apple a day cuts the risk of premature death from heart disease by 20%. Add a banana and a orange and that increases to 50%.
Infections such as colds and influenza are less likely if you eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, red peppers and citrus fruits are highest in vitamin C.
The World health Organisation finds that 85% of cancers are avoidable. Around half of these are related to deficiencies in nutrition in the western diet. Many of these deficiencies can be rectified by eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day.
A high fibre diet protects against breast and prostate cancer. Peas, beans, cabbage, dried fruits and berries are particularly rich sources of fibre, but you will find it almost all fruit and veg.
Dark green and leafy vegetable like kale and spinach help build bones by providing calcium. Onions stop the process that weakens bones.
Eating red fruit and vegetables like tomatoes, red pepper and watermelon is known to reduce the risk of lung cancer by 25%.
Age related memory loss can be fought with a healthy diet. Just half a cup of blueberries every day stimulates the growth of new brain cells to prevent memory deterioration.
Eating 2 - 3 carrots each day lowers colestrol, one of the major risk factors in heart disease.
5 - 10 daily portions of yellow, orange or red fruit can help to reduce the risk of skin cancer by forming a protective UV layer under the skin.
A diet high in fruit and veg is vital to losing weight and keeping it off.
Plenty of fruit and vegetables every day lowers the risk of stomach cancer.
If your diet is high in vitamin B6 you will find it easier to deal with stress. Banana and avocados are a good source of vitamin B6.
A portion of blueberries or a glass of cranberry juice can prevent urinary infections like cystitis. Compounds in the fruit stop bacteria attaching itself to the urinary tract.
Eating fruit and veg rich in potassium, such as grapes, leeks, bananas and cabbages can reduce the risk of suffering a stroke.
Consuming less than 1 -2 portions of fruit and veg each day can increase the risk of cataracts.
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Protection Against Dementia
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Promoted Eye Health
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Alleviation of Inflammation
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Regulation of Blood Sugar and Insulin Dependence
Slowing the Progression of AIDS
Slowing Aging
DNA Repair and Protection
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches
Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Slowing Aging
DNA Repair and Protection
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Reduced Risk of Type II Diabetes
Reduced Frequency of Migraine Headaches
Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Protection Against Dementia
Promoted Eye Health
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Alleviation of Inflammation
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Osteoporosis Protection
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Promoted Eye Health
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Alleviation of the Common Cold
Prevention of Alopecia
Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
Protection Against Heart Disease
Protection Against Dementia
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Promoted Eye Health
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Alleviation of Inflammation
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Protection Against Dementia
Promoted Eye Health
Alleviation of Inflammation
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
Protection Against Heart Disease
Slowing Aging
DNA Repair and Protection
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Increased Immune Function
Osteoporosis Protection
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Constipation Relief
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer
Protection Against Heart Disease
Alleviation of Cardiovascular Disease
Alleviation of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Alzheimer's Protection
Osteoporosis Protection
Stroke Prevention
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Immune Function
Protection Against Heart Disease
Slowing Aging
DNA Repair and Protection
Antioxidant Protection
Prevention of Epileptic Seizures
Prevention of Alopecia
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections
Increased Immune Function
Reduced Cancer Risk
Protection Against Heart Disease